Letras Web


Madvillain tem o estilo Indie e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Meat Grinder", "The Illest Villains", "Peeyano Keys".

229 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. Accordion
  2. All Caps
  3. America's Most Blunted
  4. Bistro
  5. Curls
  6. Eye
  7. Fancy Clown
  8. Figaro
  9. Great Day Today
  10. Hardcore Hustle
  11. Meat Grinder
  12. Money Folder
  13. Monkey Suite
  14. Operation Lifesaver
  15. Peeyano Keys
  16. Raid
  17. Rainbows
  18. Rhinestone Cowboy
  19. Shadows of Tomorrow
  20. Strange Ways
  21. The Illest Villains